Failla 2020 Savoy Pinot Noir 750ml
Savoy Vineyard was planted by original owner Rich Savoy between 1991 and 1994. Some areas have been replanted or grafted over since the original planting, and some Chardonnay acreage was grafted over to Pinot Noir so that the vineyard is now roughly 2/3 Pinot and 1/3 Chardonnay. Like any vineyard of size, there are differences in the terroir in various portions of the site. The knolls are generally composed of sandy loams weathered from sandstone. They have moderate moisture holding capacity and moderate to very low vigor. The alluvial terraces are more darkly colored loams underlain with clay loams. The higher clay content of these terraces means that they have higher moisture holding capacity and moderate vigor and some of the areas within the terraces may soon be dry farmed.