Black Hills 2022 Viognier 750ml
Viognier is a grape with roots in the Rhône Valley, but looks like it will be a keeper in the south Okanagan, where it easily handles the intense summer sun and high temperatures before ripening late in the season. This allows cooler temperatures to protect and enhance the intense stone fruit and floral aromas it's known for. At Black Hills, Ross Wise ferments his viognier in a combination of concrete, neutral oak puncheons, and stainless steel to keep it fresh and lively, with an overall six months on fine lees to add some texture and complexity without adding too much weight. Wise also employs a unique press cycle to extract maximum aromatics and texture from the berries while keeping the juice clear and fine. New in 2022, a portion of the viognier was fermented and aged in concrete vessels, retaining the freshest fruit but with added layers of complexity and texture. You will love the intense orchard fruit with subtle spicing throughout. Creamy and vibrant, and while it seems ready to drink, it will age through 2027. The best yet.
Score: 90 points -- Anthony Gismondi,, 2023