Barcelo Anejo Rum 750ml
Well made and well worth the money. One of the best rum buys for the money.
Notes: Distilled in state-of-the-art stills, then aged in oak bourbon casks in Barraques (a form of stacking and aging of barrels seen in the production of brandies and cognacs) and bottled at 4 years of age, this rum is part of a series, the others ranging from a un-aged white to the 8 year old Ron Imperial which is their oldest offering.
Appearance: Sparkling light, gold color, clear with no hazing separation or floating sediments. Long legs and droplets develop on swirling.
First Impression: Slightly sweetish, caramelized molasses, spice and flowers, nutty, but drying nose, lean.
Taste: Spicy, sweetish, some muted flower notes, medium-bodied. Nutty, spicy, hint of leather, and drying finish with some burn to it (but not much). Not terribly complex, but excellent for a four-year old.
Drinks: Works well in most rum drinks. Assertive enough to stand up to those umbrella drinks but doesn’t overpower more subtle potions. A much more complex, but understated rum than what you usually find for the price range.