Tapatio Tequila Blanco 750ml
Immediately noticeable uncooked runner beans, then a surge of white pepper and spices (clove, cinnamon), hints of tea and citrus, buttered new potatoes and a cream soda aroma. With time some apple and floral notes appear. Complex for a blanco.
Immense, mouth-coating pepper rush with some residual sweetness (white chocolate?) and the legumes from the nose lurking in the background. Boisterous and assertive without being harsh, although the huge pepperiness may be too challenging for the faint-hearted. 100% pure, fresh, in-your-face agave character.
Long and spicy. The sweetness comes forward to round things out as the pepper slowly fades.
The essence of agave. If you don't enjoy Tapatio Blanco, then you just don't like agave and you might as well give up drinking tequila, because this is exactly as a blanco should be.
-- thewhiskeyexchange.com