Bella Wines 2021 Something Different Piquette 750ml
In France, a long time ago, laborers and vineyard hands sometimes got paid in grape pomace (the pressed pulp, skins, seeds, etc that is remaining in the press after we have pressed off the juice to make wine) which they then took home, added water and allowed to ferment. This created a low alcohol wine with a gentle spritz. Think of it as the “wine spritzer” of the 19th century.
For this vintage, we used the pressings from three clones of gamay (for a dark pink colour) and chardonnay and added riesling and gewurztraminer to help balance the acidity and flavour. We let the pomace water ferment dry and then prior to bottling we added champagne yeast and sugar to give it a gentle spritz in the bottle. With a floral nose, dark berries on the palate and at 5.7% alcohol, consider the 2020 Piquette your new wine-spritzer of the COVID spring season. This is crushable go-go juice for summer patios and, with low alcohol and “bi-product pricing”, this will fly.