"L'Oie du Périgord" literally translated means "Goose of Périgord." The former province of Périgord has a long history dating back to Medieval kings and even prehistoric sites such as the painted cave of Lascaux. The area itself is considered an unspoiled natural gem by many. The region itself roughly corresponds geographically to modern-day Dordogne and is noted for its cuisine featuring duck and goose (think confit de canard and foie gras), as well as truffles. In other words, a paradise for food lovers. The wines of the region include Bergerac (red and white) and Monbazillac.
On the nose, expressive aromas of green grapes and citrus. This wine is soft and fruity on the palate with great acidity that accomplishes a mouthwatering, fresh quality. Compared to most traditional French Sauv Blancs, this wine has its zippiness toned down a bit in order to complement the fruity character. The alcohol is mild making it ideal for enjoying the outdoors. Try pairing with fresh fish and generally all types of seafood.